Turn your microscope into a digital whole slide scanner (WSI) with our new partner app Celly. Scan, view, and share your digitized slides. The App enables you to share the slides and invite remote colleagues for collaboration and education.
Celly.AI is an iOS app for the lab microscopy automation. The App makes slide scans, counts cells, and detects abnormalities by the means of AI. Celly.ai is LabCam's official partner.
Make continuous image scan of the whole slide by scrolling around. LabCam + Celly.AI platform is developed as an alternative of expensive slide scanners to digitize microscope slides.
Automatic cell classification.
Generate hematology reports or report for image share.
See how celly.ai works:
Celly.ai basic version is free, sign up at Celly. and download the app at Download Here. LabCam users will get a $100 coupon offer for advanced version service. Signup for our email list at KEEP IN TOUCH below to receive the coupon.