All LabCam for iPhone 15 series are now available.

All LabCam for iPhone 15 series are now available.

Microscope Eyepieces Adapters

Some microscopes may have non-standard eyepiece tubes, primarily slit lamps. iDu Optics manufactures eight different-size adapters for LabCam and LabCam Ultra to produce perfectly stable mounting. 

  • 23mm (most low-end & older microscopes)

  • 25mm (rare)

  • 27mm (rare)

  • 28mm (Labomed® microscopes)

  • 29mm (some slit lamps)

  • 30mm (most modern high-end microscopes)

  • 30.5mm (some Amscope® microscopes)

  • 31.75mm (most telescopes)

  • 40mm (Zeiss® surgical microscopes)  

Note: LabCam includes 23mm and 30mm adapters; Lab Cam Ultra includes 23mm, 28mm, 30mm, 30.5mm, and 31.75mm adapters. Unless you have lost the originals, you will not need to order these adapters.

Newer Haag-Streit slit lamps come with 30mm eyepieces, while a significant number of BP-900 come with 29mm eyepieces. We recommend adding a 29mm adapter to your order if you purchase a LabCam for slit lamps. 

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